Tilt Tray Sorter

Published 4 Sep, 2023

What is a Tilt Tray Sorter?

A Tilt Tray Sorter is a highly sophisticated type of conveyor system used in various industries for sorting objects based on their designated destinations. This system plays a pivotal role in supply chain operations, especially in distribution centres, warehouses, and large retail stores where efficient sorting and distribution of goods are critical.

The Tilt Tray Sorter operates by carrying items placed on its trays to their correct destinations. Each tray is attached to a continuous loop, and as it moves along the conveyor path, it reaches a predetermined point where it tilts, gently sliding the item off onto a chute or another conveyor leading to its destination. The tilting mechanism is controlled via software programmed with the location information for each item.

The strength of the tilt tray sorter lies in its ability to handle a wide variety of item shapes, sizes, and weights, making it a versatile choice for many businesses. It’s particularly useful for handling fragile items as the process of sliding items off the tray is generally gentler than other types of sorters.

In terms of efficiency, the tilt tray sorter is capable of high-speed sorting, processing thousands of items per hour. This can significantly improve productivity and reduce labor costs. Moreover, the system’s precision in sorting items reduces errors, enhancing overall operational accuracy.

In sum, a Tilt Tray Sorter is an integral part of modern logistics and distribution, offering a combination of versatility, speed, and precision. Its use facilitates smooth operations, ensuring timely and accurate delivery of goods to their respective destinations.