Vertical Lift Module (VLM)

Published 4 Sep, 2023

What is a Vertical Lift Module (VLM)?

A Vertical Lift Module (VLM) is a highly advanced automated storage and retrieval system that is designed to maximize productivity and optimize storage space. The system is comprised of two parallel columns, each split into fixed shelf locations that can store a wide range of items.

The primary function of a VLM is to deliver items to an operator at an ergonomically safe and convenient height, eliminating the need to bend, stretch, or climb ladders to retrieve items. This not only enhances worker safety but also increases picking accuracy and efficiency.

At the heart of the VLM is a computer-controlled positioning mechanism, often referred to as an ‘extractor’, which travels vertically between the storage columns to retrieve stored trays or bins and present them to the operator at a pick window. The positioning of these trays is typically managed by integrated software, which tracks each item’s location for easy retrieval.

One of the most significant benefits of a VLM is its space-saving design. By utilizing vertical space, it dramatically reduces the footprint required for storage, making it an ideal solution for facilities with limited floor space. It’s also scalable, allowing for additional modules to be added as storage needs increase.

Moreover, a VLM can significantly enhance inventory management. The integrated software allows for real-time inventory tracking, reducing the likelihood of stockouts or overstocking, and ensuring optimal inventory levels are maintained.

Overall, a Vertical Lift Module (VLM) offers a host of benefits, from improved operational efficiency and space utilization to enhanced worker safety and inventory management, making it an essential tool in modern warehouse and distribution centre operations.